Sourcing Pages

Get a custom landing page in minutes

Automated emails that actually feel personal? It's possible. Speed up your workflow and include audio clips from your team. Make sourcing more human.

Warm up cold outreach

Create a personalized landing page in minutes. Surface key information that candidates care about: team, benefits, and commute.

Take a minute, save hours

Get 10%+ higher response rates when you include a sourcing page in your outreach. Each page can be made in a matter of minutes, saving you tons of time, while delivering best-in-class results.

An employer brand that builds trust

Gone are the days of sending random links. Improve your employer brand by sending pages to your candidates that elevates your story. Integrate your employer brand across your complete candidate experience.

A better match for your workflow

Start the application, connect on linkedin, or let folks book time on your calendar. Pick the hiring journey that matches your recruiting workflow.

Templates to jump-start candidate engagement

No engineer? No problem. With our templates you’ll be able to immediately provide a more authentic candidate experience.

Hear from our customers